Bir hadisənin qarşısını almaq, o hadisə baş verəndən sonra onun nəticələrini aradan götürməkdən daha asandır...


Another tactical-special exercise of MES International Search-and-rescue Unit held

MES International Search-and-rescue Unit holds another tactical-special exercise (video, photo)

“GPS” courses are held with the view of preparing for INSARAG classification

Courses held with the view of preparing the MES International Search-and-rescue Unit to pass INSARAG classification

MES International Search-and-rescue Unit holds another tactical-special exercise

MES International Search-and-rescue Unit holds another tactical-special exercise

Meeting with the delegation of Main Department of Operations of Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) of the Republic of Turkiye held at the Ministry of Emergency Situations

MES USAR team has entered the first phase of INSARAG classification

MES International Search and Rescue Team holds tactical-special exercise

MES International Search-and-rescue Unit (INSARAG) holds tactical-special exercise

Course held for the staff of MES International Search-and-rescue Unit

International regional exercise is held at the Academy of the MES

Deputy Minister Etibar Mirzayev meets with a delegation of the Turkish Emergency Management Agency

International regional “Earthquake response exercise” is over

Deputy Minister Etibar Mirzayev meets with the regional coordinator of the NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre Vamhamme Willem

MES International Search and Rescue Team holds tactical-special exercise

MES International Search-and-rescue Unit holds tactical-special exercise

MES International Search-and-rescue Unit holds tactical-special exercise (video, photo)

MES International Search-and-rescue Unit holds another tactical-special exercise (video, photo)

MES International Search-and-rescue Unit holds another tactical-special exercise (video, photo)

Next training courses are held with the participation of AFAD specialists (video, photo)

Course held on the theme "Legal bases of participation in international humanitarian operations and ethical norms"

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Useful links
President of Azerbaijan
Mehriban Aliyeva
Azerbaijan Republic Cabinet of Ministers
Heydar Aliyev Center
Heydər Əliyev Fondu