Bir hadisənin qarşısını almaq, o hadisə baş verəndən sonra onun nəticələrini aradan götürməkdən daha asandır...

The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Article 1. The source of power

I. The sole source of state power in the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be vested in the people of Azerbaijan.

II. The People of Azerbaijan shall be citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan living within and beyond the territory of the Republic  of Azerbaijan  who  are  subordinate  to  the  state  of Azerbaijan  and  its  laws, which  do  not  exclude  norms  defined  by international law.

Article 2. Sovereignty of the people

I.  Freely and independently determining their destiny and establishing their own form of governance is the sovereign right of the people of Azerbaijan.

II. The people of Azerbaijan shall exercise their sovereign right directly by nation-wide popular vote - referendum, and through their representatives elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by free, secret and personal ballot.

Article 3. The issues solved by nation-wide popular vote-referendum

I. The people of Azerbaijan may resolve any issue related to their rights and interests by means of referendum.

II. The following issues may be resolved by referendum only:

1. adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and introduction of amendments thereto;

2. alteration of state borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

III. No referendum may be held with respect to the following issues:

1. taxation and state budget;

2. amnesty and pardon;

3. election, appointment or approval of the officials, whose election, appointment or approval is assigned to the competence

of the legislative and (or) executive bodies respectively.

Article 4. Right to represent the people

No one except authorized representatives elected by the people has the right to represent the people, speak on behalf of the people and to make statements on behalf of the people.

Article 5. Unity of people

I. The people of Azerbaijan shall be united.

II. Unity of the Azerbaijani people shall constitute the basis of the State of Azerbaijan. The Republic of Azerbaijan shall be the common and indivisible motherland for all of the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Article 6. Inadmissibility of usurpation of power

I.  No part of the Azerbaijani people, no social group or organisation, no individual may usurp the authority to exercise the power.

II. Usurpation of power is the most serious crime against the people.

Qaynar xətt
Sened qebulu

Useful links
President of Azerbaijan
Mehriban Aliyeva
Azerbaijan Republic Cabinet of Ministers
Heydar Aliyev Center
Heydər Əliyev Fondu