Bir hadisənin qarşısını almaq, o hadisə baş verəndən sonra onun nəticələrini aradan götürməkdən daha asandır...

May 17, 2024, up to 01:00:


The roof of a one-story, 6-room house with a total area of 170 sq m burned in an area of 170 sq m, including the combustible constructions of 3 rooms in an area of 85 sq m in Gozbarakh village of Zagatala district. The rest of the house was protected from fire. The fire was extinguished by fire protection units

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Sened qebulu

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President of Azerbaijan
Mehriban Aliyeva
Azerbaijan Republic Cabinet of Ministers
Heydar Aliyev Center
Heydər Əliyev Fondu