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Rules of behavior in case of emergency situations

Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause death.

Observe the following safety rules to avoid the carbon monoxide hazard:

·a gas appliance must be in good condition and meet the standards;

·the height of the place, where the appliance is, must not be less than 2 meters 20 centimeters;

·the ventilation system must work, the small window must be open;

·there must be a ventilation pipe in the bathroom, also holes at the bottom of the door;

·chimneys must be cleaned twice a year.

Remember! Carbon monoxide is odourless and not felt!

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness.

In case of carbon monoxide poisoning, the person must be taken out into the fresh air, clothes making breathing difficult must be taken off and an ambulance must be called.

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