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MES Southern Regional Center holds conference

The Southern Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations held a meeting on the theme "Behavior of people in case of natural disasters" in Masalli District Executive Authority.

MES local bodies, officials of Masalli District Executive Authority and self-government bodies, heads of relevant departments and enterprises, as well as residents of the district attended the event.

Speakers at the event gave detailed information about the importance of mutual activity during the elimination of the consequences of emergencies, safety rules in construction, mining and industrial work, prevention of drowning incidents that may occur in water bodies and ensuring the safety of people in the water, rules of using personal protective means and primary fire extinguishers, rules of behavior during natural and man-made emergencies, as well as requirements forf fire and technical safety rules.

Photo slide and video clip on the topics were shown, and questions were answered at the end of the event.

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Mehriban Aliyeva
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