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MES holds exercise at Surakhani district secondary school No. 84 (video, photo)

Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations held an exercise on the theme "Rules of behavior and evacuation in case of emergencies" at secondary school No. 84 named after A. Muradov in Surakhani district of Baku.

The relevant forces and equipment of the State Fire Protection, State Fire Control, Special Risky Rescue and Medical Services of the MES were involved in the exercise. The exercise aimed at instilling rules of behavior in emergencies and fire accidents in the school staff.

Officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Baku City Education Department, Surakhani District Executive Authority and school staff attended the exercise.

First, in the theoretical part of the exercise, MES employees gave detailed information to the school staff about emergencies, including necessary rules of behavior in case of fire, and evacuation measures. Then video clips on the themes were shown.

Then the practical part of the exercise started. After the "Alarm" signal was given during a simulated fire accident, MES firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and started the "firefighting".  Following the evacuation plan of the school where the simulated fire occurred, pupils and teachers were evacuated to a safe place, and "first aid" was provided to the injured pupils.

Also, a dog-training group of the Special Risky Rescue Service was involved in the scene to "find and neutralize the alleged explosive". After appropriate safety measures were taken in the area, search operations with specially trained dogs were started. During the operation, a package was found as a suspicious item in the schoolyard. As a result of the inspection, it was confirmed that there was an "explosive" inside the bag and it was neutralized on the spot.

The goals set during the exercise were achieved.

Such events are regularly organized by the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Baku and the regions.


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