Bir hadisənin qarşısını almaq, o hadisə baş verəndən sonra onun nəticələrini aradan götürməkdən daha asandır...

Civil defense exercise of officials held at "Azerbaijan" Heating Electric Station

Aran Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and "Azerbaijan" Heating Electric Station CJSC of “AzerEnergy” Open Joint-Stock Company held a joint civil defense exercise of the officials on the theme "Organization of the management of civil defense bodies and forces during the elimination of the consequences of emergencies."

The exercise aimed at checking the level of readiness of the head and commander-in-chief related to emergencies and improving their knowledge and skills in this field.

During the exercise, the theoretical knowledge of the staff on emergency warning and gathering, as well as the elimination of the consequences of extreme situations and organization of general management was assessed, and reports related to functional duties were heard.

After the exercise, the results were discussed and relevant instructions were given.

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President of Azerbaijan
Mehriban Aliyeva
Azerbaijan Republic Cabinet of Ministers
Heydar Aliyev Center
Heydər Əliyev Fondu