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Ministry of Emergency Situations holds fire-tactical exercise in Shirvan city

Main Department of Operations of Ministry of Emergency Situations organized a fire-tactical exercise in Shirvan Mechanical Repair area of Sumgayit Reclamation Department located in Shirvan with the participation of the forces of the State Fire Protection Service and Mughan Regional Center.

MES Chief Fire Safety expert,  internal service Major-General Yusif Nabiyev, Head of State Fire Protection Service, internal service Major-General Asif Mammadli, Head of Mughan Regional Center, Colonel Vugar Aghayev, Deputy Head of Main Department of Operations, Colonel Aghali Huseynov, Head of Shirvan City Executive Authority Ilgar Abbasov, representatives of the Emergency Situations Commission under the Shirvan City Executive Authority and managers of the enterprise watched the exercise.

The exercise aimed at further improving the practical skills of the staff of Mughan Regional Center and State Fire Protection Service on fire extinguishing, carrying out rescue and other urgent operations, and mutual functioning of the forces.

During the exercise, units of the State Fire Protection Service and the forces and means of the Mughan Regional Center were involved in the "site" to eliminate the consequences of fires and accidents "caused" due to the violation of technological processes in the territory of the enterprise as a result of the simulated earthquake in the Caspian Sea. Based on the collected intelligence information, in accordance with the relevant task of the Operational headquarters, search and rescue operations were started. MES forces quickly arrived at the "scene", successfully evacuated the employees of the enterprise from the "dangerous area", conducted quick intelligence at the "fire" place and "extinguished the fire".

In total, 16 units of equipment and 115 employees of MES, and 8 units of equipment and 45 employees of the enterprise were involved in the exercise.

The results were discussed and relevant instructions were given at the end of the exercise.

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